Burlington Birth Injury Attorneys
Representing Children Coping With Cerebral Palsy And Other Birth Injuries
Several common birth injuries often named in medical malpractice claims include:
- Cerebral palsy
- Shoulder dystocia
- Brachial plexus injury
If your child suffered one of these or some other birth injury, he or she may face long-term consequences such as necessary surgery, therapy and disability accommodations. Birth injury lawyers can help you pursue compensation to cover the expenses associated with a birth injury.
Birth injury lawsuits are not limited by the usual two-year statute of limitations for filing a claim. A child who was harmed through a birth injury has up until two years beyond his or her eighteenth birthday to file a lawsuit.
Regardless of the timing of your birth injury claim, medical malpractice lawyers at Smith Magram Michaud Colonna, P.C., can advise you. You may wish to file a claim on behalf of your injured newborn. You may be ready to take legal action after learning that your school-age child has a disability. You may be a young adult living with the effects of cerebral palsy, and want an explanation of your rights and options.
Once an investigation determines that someone’s negligence caused or contributed to the birth injury, that person or organization may be required to compensate the child for:
- Medical expenses
- Therapy
- Noneconomic losses
The negligent party may have been an obstetrician, a hospital or some other person or entity. A successful birth injury claim or lawsuit can recover much-needed compensation.
Contact Our Burlington, New Jersey, Law Firm
Medical malpractice lawsuits such as birth injury claims can be very expensive to investigate. For this reason, a contingency fee basis is the way attorneys are compensated for their time. We can evaluate your potential birth injury case and advise you as to whether you have a case and how we propose to go about seeking compensation for you. Call 609-589-0649 or contact us to schedule a consultation.