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How can I avoid accidents with semis?

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2020 | Commercial Vehicle Accidents

If you are the average American citizen, getting behind the wheel of your car is the most dangerous thing you do. However, while getting into an accident with another passenger vehicle can be extremely dangerous, that danger multiplies when the other vehicle is a semi truck. 
It is important to understand the differences between passenger vehicles and semi trucks. When you are aware, it is easier to avoid accidents with these roadway behemoths. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, it is vital that you stay out of a semi truck’s “no zones.”  

What is a no zone? 
The no zone refers to the large blind spots on all four sides of a semi truck. For instance, the blind spot in front of the semi truck extends for 20 feet, while the blind spot behind a semi truck extends for 30 feet. The blind spot on the left side of a semi truck encompasses one lane of traffic, while on the right side of a semi truck the blind spot spans for nearly two lanes. 

Essentially, you need to give semi trucks much more room than regular passenger vehicles when you are on the highway. 
How do I pass a semi truck? 

It is vital that you always pass a semi-truck on the left hand side. Since the blind spot on a semi truck is much larger on the right side, passing it on this side is dangerous. Make sure to merge into the lane to the left of the semi truck well before you approach it, being aware of the 30-foot blind spot behind the truck. Speed up and pass the truck, ensuring you have at least 20 feet in front of the truck before merging back into the lane. 
