Burlington Personal Injury Attorneys

More than 100 Years of Combined Experience

The Importance Of Estate Planning

Do You Have Your Affairs In Order?

Regardless of your age and financial background, every adult should have a will, living will and power of attorney. Unfortunately, many do not consider the consequences of not having these estate planning documents and thus fail to protect their assets during their lifetime and beyond.

At the Burlington law firm of Smith Magram Michaud Colonna, P.C., we will review your financial situation and develop an estate plan for you. We provide our clients with wills, living wills, powers of attorney and related estate planning instruments. If you do not have any or all of these documents and or would like to discuss revising outdated documents, consider giving us a call. We provide free initial consultations both by phone and in person.

Please refer to the list below for an explanation of the estate planning services we provide.

  • Last will and testament (will): A legal document that serves to declare who will inherit one’s assets and who will be responsible for distributing them.
  • Living will: A legal document utilized to set forth one’s intentions when there is no reasonable hope of recovery.
  • Power of attorney: A legal document that allows one to designate an agent to carry out their affairs in the event of disability.

Do You Need To Update Your Estate Plans?

It may be beneficial to update your estate planning to reflect life changes, such as a divorce or the death of a spouse or beneficiary. We also provide planning for victims of personal injury or work accidents who have received a structured settlement or lump sum settlement.

Arrange an appointment by calling 609-589-0649, or contact us online. We counsel individuals and couples in Burlington County, Camden County and surrounding communities of South Jersey.