Auto accident fatalities disproportionately affect teen drivers. In response to this issue, New Jersey has established a graduated license program to help new drivers become safe drivers.
If your teen wants to learn to drive, learn more about the provisions of this license program.
Permit stage
New Jersey residents can apply for a driving permit at age 16. You must give parental consent, and your child must complete a state-approved behind-the-wheel driving class. He or she must also pass a knowledge test about New Jersey driving laws and a vision screening. A teen who does not complete behind-the-wheel training must wait until age 17 to seek a permit.
Probationary license
After a full year of driving practice with a permit, your teen can apply for a probationary license at age 17. Restrictions for New Jersey drivers who have a probationary license include the following:
- No driving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.
- No more than one passenger, with the exception of the driver’s children, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian
- No use of a cell phone or electronic device, even with hands-free functionality
- Placement of a Graduated Driver’s License decal from the state on the vehicle’s front and rear license plates
Full driver’s license
If your child is at least 18 years old and has completed a year of driving practice, he or she can apply for a full license. He or she will have all the rights and responsibilities of other New Jersey drivers.
Encourage your teen to follow the provisions of the graduated driver’s license program to reduce the chances of a serious auto accident. Violations can result in a fine of $100 and possible license suspension.