One person died, and three suffered injuries in a New Jersey collision on Aug. 8. Emergency responders had to cut the roof off one of the vehicles involved to extricate the deceased victim of the car accident. Police declined to release the identities of the man who died and the woman who was riding with him.
The accident occurred on Route 49 in Pennsville Township across the street from the former Penn-Salem Marina. A black Toyota Corolla and a gold Ford Escape collided around 12:45 p.m. and came to a stop in the eastbound lane of the roadway. The driver of the Corolla died upon impact while the woman riding in the front passenger seat suffered serious injuries. After crews extricated her from the car, a helicopter crew airlifted her to Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware, where she was listed in serious condition.
The occupants of the Ford Escape, a 69-year-old man and a 59-year-old woman, both of Strasburg, Pennsylvania, suffered injuries resulting from seat belt use. Paramedics took the man, who also suffered a laceration on his arm, to Cooper University Hospital in Camden. The woman was taken to Memorial Hospital of Salem County. A relative of the Escape’s occupants stated that they were both in stable condition.
Photos from the scene of the accident show an electronic road sign indicating a narrowing road and an orange sign indicating a road work zone. If the driver of the Escape was distracted when driving in the area where traffic patterns shifted, he may have overlooked the signs and drifted into oncoming traffic in the opposite lane. Personal injury attorneys can often provide advice to families of fatal accident victims who are considering filing wrongful death suits against negligent drivers.
Source:, “Pennsville crash leaves 1 dead, another seriously injured“, Spencer Kent, August 08, 2014