Tumbling to the ground while out at your neighborhood market may give you more than a bruised ego. You may come out of it with many injuries that take time and money to treat.
A slip may prove preventable had the shop owner paid closer attention. Learn more about some of the basics behind how a personal injury claim works for this type of incident.
What caused the fall?
Likely, you do not know what caused your fall in the aftermath. Had you seen a hazard, you would have avoided it. The cause of the slip is often a wet or slick spot that may prove the result of an overlooked condition.
What is negligence?
It is up to management to maintain a clean and safe environment for the public. While accidents happen, such as water on the ground, the owner should immediately rectify it. For instance, an owner should fix a leaky ice machine or at least place a sign warning customers of the wet floor. Not doing this means the shop owner was negligent and allowed a risky condition to exist.
Is negligence easy to prove?
Negligence is the backbone of a slip and fall claim. If you have evidence that the manager knew or should have known a hazard existed that may result in the fall, you have the basis for filing your claim. After that, you need to correlate your injuries with the incident. For instance, if you have a back injury that your doctor attributes to the slip and fall, your medical evidence needs to go before the court.
Getting the compensation to help you move forward after a slip and fall is crucial for your continued health and wellness.