The Center for Disease Control released some statistics regarding dog bites in the United States, and the information reveals that nearly 4.5 million people suffer dog bites every year in this country. Not all of these bites are serious, but it was reported that 885,000 of these victims do seek medical attention, and half of them are children. Approximately 27,000 of those had reconstructive surgery in 2012.
The CDC provides tips to help Americans keep their families safe from dog bite injuries. Many of the ideas can be applied to both dog owners and those people who occasionally encounter or visit the homes of dogs. For instance, when a person encounters an unknown dog, the proper thing to do is to stand still and allow the animal to sniff. If the dog seems friendly, then it may be safe to pet the animal.
If families are thinking of adopting a dog, working with reliable dog agencies such as local animal shelters or rescue organizations is probably a good resource to help find the right pet. Before bringing a pet home to stay, all family members should meet the dog. A veterinarian is another resource to look out for the health and welfare of the animal and possibly give information about dog trainers in the area.
In the event that a dog bite injury occurs, there may be civil court action taken against a dog owner. A dog bite victim may be entitled to compensation for the damages that a dog attack causes. Serious injury could require healing time and a host of medical expenses. A personal injury attorney can advise those suffering from the effects of dog bite injuries.
Source: CDC, “Dog Bites”, October 10, 2014