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2 employees injured in explosion

On Behalf of | Feb 10, 2015 | Workers' Compensation

Two employees were injured by an explosion that occurred at a store in New Jersey on Feb. 6. The incident happened around 7 a.m. on Route 46. All traffic in the area was shut down, and authorities reportedly had the fire under control by 8 a.m. The building was located at the 600 block of Route 46 near Exit 154 northbound for the Garden State Parkway. The supply store explosion was caused by oxygen employees were using to fill cylinders.

A 45-year-old man was suffered severe burns and was initially transported to St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson but was then transferred to St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston. By later that afternoon, it was reported that he would survive his injuries. Another employee suffered smoke inhalation, and a truck driver in the area was treated and released by medical staff after being shaken up from the impact of the explosion.

Officials planned to reopen the plant later that same day as all 26 workers were accounted for. There were 50 firefighters from neighboring towns onsite to offer assistance during the aftermath of the explosion. The severity of the worker’s injuries has compelled the county prosecutor, local fire department and Occupational Safety and Health Administration to investigate the explosion, but authorities believe it occurred by accident.

People who are injured by a workplace accident often benefit from consulting in legal counsel. Lawyers may be able to investigate the cause of the incident and help determine whether a workers’ comp claim or lawsuit against the employer is more appropriate. Legal counsel may also be prepared to protect employees from any type of retaliation from the employer. Injured workers who are struggling to obtain sufficient medical coverage or wage benefits may also benefit from contacting a lawyer.

Source: Northjersey.com, “Feds investigating explosion that injured 3 at AGL Welding Supply in Clifton,” Stefanie Dazio, Feb. 6, 2015
