Burlington Personal Injury Attorneys

More than 100 Years of Combined Experience

Injured at work? What’s next?

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2016 | Workers' Compensation, Workplace Injuries

If you have suffered a work injury, you likely have many questions:

  • Who do I report this to?
  • What happens if I can’t work?
  • Who is going to pay for this?

It is natural to have questions. Most people are unfamiliar with the workers’ compensation process and what to do after a work injury.

Here are a few things you should know if you have been injured on the job:

  • You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits: Compensation may be available to cover the costs of doctor bills, emergency care, prescription drugs, rehabilitation, physical therapy, home health care, and future medical expenses.
  • It doesn’t matter who was at fault: Workers’ compensation benefits are available no matter who or what caused the accident – even if you caused the accident yourself. If a negligent coworker or third party caused the accident, you may be entitled to additional compensation through a third-party liability claim.
  • Your claim may be denied – but do not give up: Even though employers are required to provide certain benefits to injured workers, they (along with insurance companies) do not always honor their obligation. If your workers’ compensation claim has been denied, do not lose hope. You may be able to pursue an appeal. Talk to a workers’ comp attorney about your specific options.

You likely have more questions than answers. Once you have reported your injury to your employer and sought medical care, you should consider talking to a workers’ compensation attorney. An attorney can protect your rights in an unfamiliar process and help you seek maximum compensation for all your expenses.

No fees unless we win: We take workers’ compensation cases on a contingency fee basis. You owe us no attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you.

Free consultation: It costs nothing to talk to a lawyer about your work-related injury. Call us at 609-589-0649.
