Amusement parks can provide a day of fun for everyone in the family. The last thing that you want when you’ve spent money for this is to have the day end prematurely because someone got hurt. Unfortunately, accidents happen more than you might realize.
There are many different ways that a person can suffer from an injury in these places. It is the duty of the park owner and management to determine whether they have appropriate safety precautions in place.
Not a new problem
The safety issues that occur at amusement parks and even local fairs aren’t new problems. There is a long history individuals of being harmed in these locations. While the sophistication of the rides has improved, the training for the operators has been largely at a standstill.
Many traveling fairs will hire younger workers, those who lack a solid education and some who don’t even speak English. When these workers can’t or won’t enforce safety rules, such as ensuring the ride’s minimum height is met, people can get hurt.
Another issue that can come up where rides are concerned is that any defect in a single component can cause a safety hazard. Traveling fair operations have a unique challenge since they constantly assemble and disassemble rides to move from one location to another.
Each time they are put together or taken down is a chance that something will be weakened or a component damaged. Careful inspection at least daily and sometimes more frequently is necessary to try to spot any defects.
Hazards beyond rides
There are many hazards that don’t involve rides at all. With many people packed into a small space, there is a risk of people colliding. This can cause someone to suffer an injury in that event.
Slip and falls are common due to the conditions, which might include slick surfaces or debris on the ground. At local fairs, there might be power cords strewn about. These must be properly secured or people can trip over them. A lack of handrails where they are needed can also lead to a safety issue.
Amusement parks and fair operators have to be willing to take an honest look at the conditions of their set-up. They should find the safety hazards and address those.
Sadly, some of them might put profit before people and try to skirt around proper safety standards and procedures. This is one reason why legal action following an amusement park accident may be an appropriate decision.