Workers in New Jersey may face serious dangers on the job in a range of occupations. In 2016, 101 people across the state were killed as a result of workplace accidents and injuries, marking an upward turn from 2015, when 97 workers lost their lives on the job. New Jersey sits in the middle of the pack when it comes to workplace fatalities, ranking 17th in the nation. Experts noted that as the economy grows, worker fatalities may become more common.
Most of the people who lost their lives on the job were men, who accounted for 95 of the fatally injured workers. Six of those who died were women. This is generally because fewer women are involved in high-risk occupations like construction or sanitation. Most of the workers killed on the job were between the ages of 45 and 54, and in most cases, transportation-related accidents were to blame. By far, workers in the private sector were more likely to be fatally injured, especially those working in service jobs in waste removal, warehouses or transportation.
In fact, the most deaths occurred among people working in transportation and the shipment of items and goods. The next most commonly fatal occupation was construction and extraction, which cost 19 workers their lives. While traffic accidents were among the most common source of workplace fatalities, falls on the job were also a significant cause, especially when heights were involved. Fatal falls at work have risen 26 percent between 2011 and 2016.
Of course, many workers suffer injuries on the job that, while not fatal, are still quite serious. These workplace accidents can lead to permanent disabilities or prevent people from returning to their jobs. Individuals who have been injured while doing their jobs can seek out a workers’ compensation attorney to protect their rights and pursue the benefits they need.