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Construction workers have dangerous jobs, suffer injuries

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2019 | Workplace Injuries

If you are a New Jersey construction worker, you likely understand all too well just how dangerous your job can be. Maybe you already have had to miss work while recuperating from a work-related injury or accident.

Even those uninjured workers often have their own hair-raising stories of near-misses, those almost-catastrophic incidents that could have got them severely injured — or worse. But for the uninitiated, read on for some facts about construction dangers.

Certain times more deadly

Of course, dangerous accidents that kill construction workers can, and do, occur at all points during the workday. But the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) determined that the highest number of deaths occur between 10:00 a.m. and 3 p.m., and that construction deaths tend to peak at noon.

Three-quarters of the fatalities happen Monday through Thursday, with a decided dip on Fridays and weekends, and Sundays have the fewest deaths.

Smaller firms not necessarily much safer

The BLS also found that working for both small and large construction companies can be risky, as companies with nine or fewer workers annually reported 47 percent of construction worker deaths, with the most fatalities occurring at the rate at 26 deaths per 100,000 workers.

Construction workers face many perils

Those workers who toil in highway work zones are at higher risk of dying in vehicular accidents on the job. But those working in the specialty trades had even higher death rates, at 56 percent. Those working with heavy equipment had the highest yearly fatality rates. For each 100,000 workers, there were 24 deaths per year in that industry.

Death rates seasonal?

The BLS found that there was an uptick in construction worker deaths during the warmer months of spring and summer. The death rate peaks at 12 percent in August and declines during the fall and winter. February appears to have the lowest rate of 5 percent.

Nonfatal accidents wreak havoc, too

Of course, an accident that isn’t fatal can cause a construction worker to miss large blocks of time off from work. Hospital and doctor bills mount, and often rehabilitative therapies are also needed in the weeks and months following an on-the-job accident.

When you get hurt at work, workers’ compensation benefits can assist you with being able to make ends meet and keep the family fed and housed. If you are denied benefits, it can be catastrophic. Learning all that you can about your right to receive compensation for your injuries and other damages may help you succeed with your claim.
