When the weather warms up and the school year ends, many families look forward to taking time off to enjoy vacationing at one of the numerous amusement parks around New Jersey and across the United States. As fun as these places can be, there are also times when the rides at them can lead to serious injuries.
The countless individuals who enjoy amusement park rides with their families may have concerns about sustaining an injury after hearing about examples of dangerous cases. If this sounds familiar, there are some things to know about amusement park ride injuries and accidents.
1. Amusement park ride injuries are uncommon but do happen
In general, most amusement park rides are safe, and injuries are uncommon. With that said, accidents do still occur. According to an International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions report, there were approximately 0.6 ride injuries per one million riders in 2017.
2. Rides can pass inspections and still have problems
While regulations can make some rides safer than others, an inspection certification does not guarantee rider safety. There have been cases where amusement park rides passed inspections, but accidents nonetheless occurred. For this reason, personal observation may be more reliable.
3. Using caution can reduce the risk of injury
Before getting on a ride, take a look at it. If it appears old and in need of overdue maintenance, it may be worth finding another attraction. In addition, try to listen. Does something sound strange? If anything seems off, it is always best to go with gut feelings and find something safer to do.
Although amusement park ride accidents are uncommon, they can still happen. As such, using observation skills and taking caution can help reduce the risks involved in this popular recreational activity.